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  1. Please select one or more jobs you wish to apply for by clicking the check box next to the job(s), then click "Apply for selected jobs" button.
  2. If a job does not accept online applications, there is no check box next to the job. Follow the instructions in the job posting to apply.
  3. To view the details of a job click on the Job Title.
In order to view available jobs, if any disclaimers are presented below, you must first click the “I Agree” button in order for those jobs to be presented for your consideration.

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Disclaimer: Off-Campus Jobs
Before we can allow you to see the details of an off-campus job, you must agree to the disclaimer below. You will only have to do this once per time you use this site. Read the disclaimer below, and if you agree to the terms, press the "I agree" button. You will then see the job details. Otherwise, click on "new search". SUNY New Paltz and the Student Employment Office is not responsible for the safety, wages, working conditions or other aspects of the off-campus employment. The University does not screen employers who post job opportunities at the Student Employment Office, and by posting jobs SUNY New Paltz and the Student Employment Office does not make any representation as to the working conditions that may exist at any place of employment. Use of this system shall be entirely at the risk of the users hereof and the University expressly disclaims any and all liability with respect thereto. It is the responsibility of the student to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying.

Fewest Hours per Week - Off Campus