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  3. To view the details of a job click on the Job Title.
In order to view available jobs, if any disclaimers are presented below, you must first click the “I Agree” button in order for those jobs to be presented for your consideration.

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Disclaimer: Work Study Jobs
These jobs are available to Federal Work Study students only. If you do not know your FWS status, check your financial aid by logging into your my.newpaltz to see if you have been offered FWS. If you have been offered FWS you may search and apply for these jobs. Go to our website for complete instructions "How to Accept and Apply for a Federal Work Study Job". A FWS award is not a guarantee of a job. Jobs are limited in number, and are available to FWS students who are enrolled full-time and matriculated. Eligibility is based on need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and the availability of funds at the time of application. FWS jobs pay minimum wage. If you need further assistance please visit the Financial Aid office, located in the Haggerty Administration Building, Room 603.

Disclaimer: Work Study Community Service Jobs
Off Campus Work Study Jobs are available with a limited number of non-profit agencies. These positions are designed to give the FWS student a broader work experience while at the same time improving the quality of life for community residents. The college is not responsible for safety, working conditions, or other aspects of off-campus employment. It is the responsibility of the student to research the integrity of the agencies to which they are applying. Off-Campus Federal Work Study (FWS) jobs are only available to those who were awarded FWS for the Fall. If you do not know your FWS status, check your financial aid by logging into your my.newpaltz to see if you have been offered FWS. If you have been offered FWS you may search and apply for these jobs. Go to our website for complete instructions "How to Accept and Apply for a Federal Work Study Job". A FWS award is not a guarantee of a job. Jobs are limited in number, and are available to FWS students who are enrolled full-time and matriculated. Eligibility is based on need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and the availability of funds at the time of application. Off-campus FWS jobs pay minimum wage. If you need further assistance please visit the Financial Aid office, located in the Haggerty Administration Building, Room 603.

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